Wha't’s going on in the Richmond Region?

Organizing for smarter growth requires involvement on multiple fronts, across all of the region’s municipalities. Here’s what we’re focused on right now.

If there’s an issue that you or your community thinks should be addressed, loop us in! Share your thoughts on current issues or the future of our region using our contact form.


Richmond 300

The City of Richmond adopted its new comprehensive plan, called Richmond 300, in December 2020. We engaged with local officials and members of the community throughout the process, and remain engaged as the living document evolves to reflect Richmond’s ever-changing needs and priorities. View our work on Richmond 300 here.


Fast, frequent transit and safe streets for walking and biking are vital in fostering strong communities and creating more equitable cities and regions. We support greater investment in transit and bike/pedestrian infrastructure, as well as free fares for all transit riders in the Richmond region. View our work on transportation in the region here.

Inclusive Housing

Growing regions like ours must actively work towards ensuring that people of all income levels can afford safe and healthy homes, and that said growth does not displace people or communities. In cooperation with our partner organizations in the region, we have developed a comprehensive policy platform for affordable housing in Richmond - view the details here.